Note: My mom had three blogs that she wrote with a classmate a few years ago, Jennifer Johnston Smith. Jennifer graciously pointed me in the right direction with these. The blogs were about their graduating class: Childress 1963 — a particularly tight-knit group. The blog helped find classmates and reminisce, as well as discuss current events in each of their lives. I'm proud of my mom for doing this.
The following post is something she wrote in 2008. This is so everything my blog and you have been saying about my parents. It also includes the comments ... how amazingly ... amazing.
Nicki Sooter Wilcoxson and
Jim Wilcoxson
Jim and I would have a hard
time telling our stories separately. For the most part our stories have
intertwined since we were 15 years old, and now we have been married for 43
years. Jim says we are enmeshed and, yes, that is true so here we tell our
story rather than our stories. We, too, will focus on the good and save the bad
and the ugly for another day, but we will say that in part it probably has
taken all of the good, some of that bad, and a little of the ugly, to give us a
true appreciation for the really good we have today.
Jim and I left Lubbock in
1968 after graduating from Tech. We have been in Amarillo ever since except for
a one year move to Booker, Texas where Jim enjoyed his first year of coaching.
After many years in the golf business, Jim “found” himself, returned to WTAMU,
finished his degree and got his teacher's certificate so he could pursue his
goal of coaching girl’s basketball which he did for the next 20 years. He
enjoyed a very successful career, winning two state titles with the Lady
Raiders of Randall High School in 1992 and 1998.
In 2004 he became the 135th
member of the Panhandle Sports Hall of Fame. I took a more straight forward
path and spent 33 years in the school system here in Amarillo first as a
classroom teacher, then as a school librarian, and finally retiring as an instructional
technology specialist where I worked with teachers and staff development.
have two great daughters, Kim and Jami. Kim and her husband, Vince, and our
grandson, Cole who is 8, live in Flower Mound. Jami along with her husband
Dorsey, stepson, Hart who is 14, and her son, Jordie who is 12, live here in
Amarillo. Our grandsons continue to serve as a constant source of joy to us and
we could spend hours telling you how cute, smart, and talented they are, but we
will restrain ourselves unless you ask.
We don't travel very much except around
Texas mostly watching grandsons play baseball, but we are open to some new
adventures so we have been to New York City and St. Thomas among other great
places and have thoroughly enjoyed it. Both sets of our parents have died over
the past 5 years. We do still have ties to Childress as we still have the
Wilcoxson home there.
***The story of how we first
met has been a source of amusement in our family for years. Stepping back to
that time in 1960, when my parents dragged me kicking and screaming from our
home in Muleshoe to our new home in Childress, they stopped in at the Highway
Cafe that very first night in town for dinner. Sitting in the booth across from
my family was a man who sold insurance that my dad had previously met on a trip
to Childress. Sitting with this insurance man was his son. Introductions were
made, and I was grossed out that my parents had introduced me to a BOY FROM
CHILDRESS! Would the horror of that day never end! I suppose I was a bit
dramatic. That was the night I met Jim Wilcoxson and the rest is history. My
mother loved to tell that story until the day she died. That was how I met my
"BFF". By the way, Jim has never told his side of the story about
that night—Ummm….
Our story was previously published
as a part of two posts on our blog:
Best Friends Forever (BFF) August 16, 2007
Where in the World is......The Class of '63
August 17, 2007
by Nicki Wilcoxson
2:16 PM


Sheila Davis Martinez
Nicki, all I can say to your
story is that the Gods of Good Fortune certainly were taking good care of you
that evening when you and Jim met. I can remember seeing you two together on
campus and thinking..."Oh...What a perfect match!" I had only met you
a few times and thought you were pretty cool, at least cool enough for our
Jimmy who just happened to be one of our favorites! LOL! That is a compliment.
Jennifer Johnston Smith said...
Nicki and Jim, you guys
certainly lived the classic "young love" fantasy a lot of us had ...
high school sweethearts, going through college together, then a successful, loving
marriage where you truly "grew up" and now "grow older"
together. (Notice I said "older" ... you guys are far from
"old" in your outlook and interest.)
You are such a complementary
couple, too ... you just "fit" together so well. Wonderful! And what
a blessing for me to have come to know and admire you both at this late date!
Yahn and I (and Guinevere
the D.G., of course) wish you waaaay more than the 43 years y'all have already
notched, along with great health, greater love and absolute joy.

clara robinson meek said...
I loved your story-----a
successful story of high school sweethearts. I can't imagine "you" as
two separate entities. You're like chocolate & peanut butter! ------ two of
my favorites!
Nicki Wilcoxson said...
What a yummy descrption of
the two of us! You know that those are also two of my favorite things. I am so
glad you didn't refer to us as Tweedle-dum and Tweedle-dee! LOL
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