Saturday, January 30, 2016

Estate Sale Weekend

Home of Jim & Nicki Wilcoxson, 20+ years. It goes on the market Feb. 4. This house is perfect
for a young family or retiring couple. Or a single person, of course!
Well ... that time has arrived. Mom and Dad's estate sale will be this coming weekend: 9 a.m to 5 p.m., Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Feb. 4-6. Sunday is TBD.  The address is 7241 Bayswater. This is the Windsor-Bonham-Amarillo High school district.

Kim and I visited the almost-finished estate sale setup today, and I must say, Jan and David Migliaccio (Kim's in-law's) and their employees at Rag and Bone Antiques on 6th Street have done a phenomenal job of organizing Mom and Dad's things and making the house look homey again. The worst part of going over to their house the past year has been the cold emptiness. I couldn't stand it, so I rarely went after Socks and Blaze came to live with us. I feel guilty about that. I know I neglected their house, but I couldn't face it.

So here we are, and I have taken some pictures to share with you. I hope you will come out to find something fun and/or meaningful. (Please know that Kim and I already confiscated the best and most meaningful stuff to us. :-) ) Frankly, I'm not sure whether my mom would want people rifling through her things, judging her tastes and such. But at the same time, I know my parents would be pleased to have others enjoy what they once enjoyed. My mom was a gift-giver, after all.

Books, books and more books, and Dad's collection of golf books. And if anyone in the
coaching business, or Dad's coaching friends are interested, we have tons
of my dad's play books and notes tucked safely away.
You can contact me about that. What a fantastic way to let his legacy live!!
Bedroom suite and odds and ends.

Guest bedroom suite plus odds and ends.
More furniture. Jan says roll-top desks
don't usually sell well. My mom refinished this one
and she was so proud of it.
The top photo shows all the toys Jordie and Cole played with when they came over.
Dad had lots of tools still left, and lots of hand weights and other outside/physical and lawn types of things.
We even still have lots of golf clubs left over.  

Mom loved the country look and country collectibles. 

Lots and lots of dishes and china.

There is more than what these pictures preview, so if interested, you'll just have to come see!

And, the Childress house closed yesterday, so all of a sudden, things seem to be moving quickly. It has been close to a year, and it's time. Kim and I have struggled and struggled with our loss that goes on and on. Frankly, I don't expect things to get better and/or easier. Mom and Dad are gone. Period. Hanging on to homes or things will not bring them back. We've already taken home the things we want to use and or have as remembrances.

Another chapter is ending.

The story never will.

1 comment:

  1. Kim's in-laws sure did a fine job of getting things out and on display. I hope the sales go well and the house is purchased quickly so the next family's story can be written from that address.


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